Custom made glass panels
Custom Made Glass
We understand that not all pool fences and balustrades are the same. If our standard rectangle glass panels don’t work for your glass barrier, we offer a custom made to order service through our specialty manufacturing partners.
With custom made glass panels you can create a fence that suits your space. Your custom glass will be cut to shape and then tempered to make it Grade A Toughened Safety Glass.
Why can’t I cut and drill a stock piece of glass to suit my project?
Once toughened safety glass is a finished product and it cannot be cut, drilled or altered.
If none of our 150 stock glass panel sizes meet your needs, you’ll have to go custom made.
How long does it take to manufacture custom glass?
Standard lead times are 7-10 business days from placement of your order.
How much does custom glass cost?
Unfortunately, custom made glass is expensive, generally about 5x the cost of imported stock panels of glass. A single piece of custom made 12mm glass can range from $200 – $600, where the largest stock sheet of glass we carry is only $129.
So wherever possible we try to be creative and use off the shelf items as the cost saving are big.
What are the most common uses of custom-made glass in a pool fence or balustrade?
Stairs – Staircases and steps in pool fencing and balustrading have no alternative to using bespoke glass. As no two sets of steps are ever the same due to angles and cutouts; custom made is the only way.
Retaining walls – retaining walls directly next to pool fences may require specially made glass to step up and over obstacles but remain safe and compliant to the pool fencing laws.
Odd sized gates and hinge panels – small openings and irregularly shaped areas require custom made glass gates, bespoke gates are common in pool fencing, to work around building and landscape obstacles. In our design process, we work hard to utilize our stock glass sizes, with 23 gate sizes and 20 hinge panels we can usually find a low-cost solution to your glass fencing gate requirements.
Raked panels – we carry a range of eight different sized raked glass panels for 50mm and 100mm steps in height, these stock panels equate to huge savings over custom made glass.
Project Glass – When you have ample planning time for your new project we can import your custom glass, with a lead time of 8-10 weeks, it’s worth waiting when you’ll save a small fortune, at least 50% of the locally manufactured cost.

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