Tips for setting out the installation of your glass pool fence or glass balustrade for spigots
Here’s a few pro tips to make setting out your glass barrier easy.
Site Plan
Using the provided site plan with your order use the following steps to ensure accurate set out of your glass pool fence or glass balustrade. The site plan details all the panel sizes and gaps required for your barrier.
Masking Tape
Masking tape is used to mark out the entire fence line easily, sweep or blow any dirt or dust from the fence line, if the area is wet use a towel to dry the area, masking tape cannot be used if the ground is damp or if it is raining.
Use small pieces of tape at 2m intervals to guide you to run a single line of tape along the line. Get a helper to hold one end of the tape and stretch out the tape along the fence line, rub over the tape to ensure it has stuck to the surface.
Marking Fence Line
Mark the center of the fence line on each and any intersecting corners.
At the center, mark use a chalk line to snap a continuous line.
Mark the Glass panels and Gaps
Before you start marking out, it’s important to add all the glass sizes and gaps from each run of fencing to ensure your setout will fit the glass panels ordered.
The fence line has five panels of glass with 45mm gaps between each panel, at each end, the corners have 25mm gaps. The workings below explain how to adjust the gaps to suit your setout onsite.
5 x 1500mm Panels
2 x 25mm End Gaps
4 x 45mm Panel Gaps
7500mm – Total Glass Size
230mm – Total Gaps
7730mm – Glass + Gaps
7722mm – Your Site Measurements
8mm – Variance
The variance from this example is 8mm; adjust the variance changing the Panel Gaps
8mm / 4 Gaps = 2mm
Therefore, the new panel gaps would change to 43mm from the original 45mm
Once you have accurate measurement marked out, you can then make final adjustments to the setout.
Starting with the end gaps mark out the location of each glass panel or gate and all of the gaps between the panels on the masking tape.
Spigot Spacing
The installation guide provided with your order has a detailed spacing table for the location of the spigots on the sheets of glass, the spigot spacings are center of the spigot from the edge of the glass panel.
Where variance may occur on the spigot spacing is on smaller hinge panels, when a small hinge panel is used the spigots usually are moved closer to the edge of the glass so that the hinge panel acts as a greater counterweight to the glass gate.
Another variance in spigot spacing is when two-panel sizes are used in the same run of glass, and the two sizes have different spacing based on the recommended table, in this instance, the lesser of the two spacing sizes should be used.
Using the spigot spacing table, mark the center of each spigot on each panel of glass.
Double and triple check all measurements are correct, and the glass panels and gaps will fit the opening measurements.
Flanged, Base Plated or Bolt Down Spigot Installation
For Flanged spigots, it is recommended to add two additional pieces of tape for each spigot to allow space for the fixing holes and our chalk line for final alignment.
Refer to the flanged installation guide
Core Drilled Installation
For core drilled installation the setout is now ready for coring.
Refer to the core drilling installation guide.

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